Set the default value of date type Variable to current date or today's date

Kunal Contributor
edited August 2023 in Variables Ideas

A date type variable needs to have a functionality where the default value can be set to today's date

105 votes

In Backlog · Last Updated

This is definitely something we are hoping to add in the future, along with several other enhancements to Variables.



  • user00344
    user00344 Member
    edited March 1

    Big Time Need for Date Variables:

    Set the default to MYSQL functions like Current_Date. I would guess that 80% of users would prefer this to be the default for a date variable.

  • user00344
    user00344 Member
    edited April 8

  • MichelleH
    MichelleH Coach
    edited April 8

    @user00344 I'm not sure if this is what you're referring to, but there is already a CURRENT_DATE function in beast mode

  • DomoFaye
    DomoFaye Domo Employee
    edited December 2023

    It will be good if we can set up a specific default date for a date variable. 

    It is particularly important for a date variable.

    Many thanks,

  • GrantSmith
    GrantSmith Coach
    edited August 2023

    When using date variables we have to define a specific value, it'd be great if it would allow the selection of today as a default as I'm typically wanting to use today's date with the variables. This would also allow me to not have to keep updating the default date as it gets farther away from the current date.

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  • MarkSnodgrass
    edited April 8

    Please combine these upvotes with the upvotes from an earlier Idea Exchange with the same request.

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  • Casey_Dorman {Domo}
    Casey_Dorman {Domo} Domo Employee
    edited August 2023

    Hello, I am working with a large Enterprise customer who is loving the new date variables functionality but is running into a challenge with the inability to set 'Yesterday' as the default date. As example, they can default the date variable to a static date but cannot default it to a dynamic date.
    Whenever a viewer lands on the dashboard, the idea is to default the dashboard insights to yesterday.

    This request seems similar to other popular Product Feedback requests submitted here in Ideas Exchange:

    Thank you Domo Product Management!

    Casey Dorman (Domo CSM).

  • Jones01
    Jones01 Contributor
    edited April 8

    @Casey_Dorman {Domo} being able to use a formula for this would be a great solution so you could then default the date to the end of the last week or the end of the last complete month.

  • susanai
    susanai Member

    Would appreciate if this function is available

  • marcel_luthi
    marcel_luthi Coach
    edited April 8

    Completely agree, being able to set the default value for date variables to relative dates would be a huge improvement, and the amount of other thread asking for similar things (set it to Today(), Yesterday(), etc) shows how many people in the community are looking for this.

  • I would also urge an enhancement be made to the date variable. Currently we are forced to hardcode a date as the default value and resort to manually updating it to keep it relevant. It should / can be so much smarter.

  • This functionality is definitely needed. Other BI systems like Birst already have it and it can be programed in various ways.

  • dp4ge
    dp4ge Contributor

    Yes please 🤞

  • Any updates on this? This is sorely needed!

  • Matt Tannyhill
    Matt Tannyhill Domo Product Manager

    Thanks everyone for the feedback. This is definitely something we're discussing and are looking to add in the future. No ETA at the moment but this is on the list of features to add!

    Matt Tannyhill

    Domo – Product Manager

    Data Analysis & Visualization

  • Ismena
    Ismena Member
    edited October 4

    We would like to raise a feature enhancement request, that I will make the Date Variables default values to be changed dynamically according to the current date.

    Default values like Current Date, and yesterday would be good to have.

    At the moment the values are defaulting to the value set up by Domo

    Refer Dashboard -

  • Agreed. Helpful to have it be (Today - 7) etc. as defaults. Not as valuable as it is currently.

  • Matt Tannyhill
    Matt Tannyhill Domo Product Manager
    edited April 8

    Great feedback @DomoFaye, we're looking into adding this functionality in the future.

    Matt Tannyhill

    Domo – Product Manager

    Data Analysis & Visualization

  • Matt Tannyhill
    Matt Tannyhill Domo Product Manager
    edited April 8

    @user00344 great idea! Hope you don't mind, I updated the title of this post from 'Date Variables' to 'Relative Date Variables' to be a bit more specific. This is definitely something we are hoping to add in the future, along with several other enhancements to Variables. Thanks for sharing!

    Matt Tannyhill

    Domo – Product Manager

    Data Analysis & Visualization

  • Matt Tannyhill
    Matt Tannyhill Domo Product Manager
    edited April 8

    @GrantSmith great feedback. This is definitely something we are hoping to add in the future, along with several other enhancements to Variables. Thanks for sharing!

    Matt Tannyhill

    Domo – Product Manager

    Data Analysis & Visualization

  • dp4ge
    dp4ge Contributor
    edited October 4

    Add first/last day of current/prior months as well. I spend a LOT of time updating these default dates for date pickers at month-end. Unfortunately because the user date filters are not exposed in the beast modes, I'm forced to use these date picker controls everywhere!

  • Any ETA on this? Need it! Pretty please!

  • Also - just a note that this same request seems to appear in multiple threads/locations with additional upvote counts.

  • JasonAltenburg
    edited April 8


  • RobynLinden
    RobynLinden Coach
    edited April 8

    Very curious about upcoming enhancements to variables - I have started to use and love them, but the Admin is really tedious.

    Broadway + Data
  • I'm curious if anyone has used DDX Bricks to create custom script for creating a dynamic default date? If so, please share…

  • dnewc
    dnewc Member

    I also need this date variable default functionality. Or even better - to be able to use a field i.e. `Month` to auto populate the variable options and a function MAX(`Month`) as the default value.