Documentation on Activity Log Event/Action Definitions

MichelleH Coach
edited August 2023 in Governance & Security Ideas

This knowledge base article lists all of the events that are tracked in the Activity Log, but it's not obvious what some of them mean (eg. “Shared” vs “Added” vs “Access Granted”). It would be helpful to add definitions to the documentation so that admins can better leverage this data.

27 votes

In Review · Last Updated

Hi, everyone. Thanks for posting this and adding your comments. It is helpful to see this is important to you, too. I'll be looking at ways we can improve the Activity Log documentation.


  • WHM
    WHM Contributor

    Totally agree… I have a user whose only activity is "exported dataset"… there are no logins at all. What does this mean? I finally realized that "viewed card" just means they got an email and did not actually view the card. We need a lot more detail on the activity logs.

  • Yes, please! We have quite a few Object Types that are "CONTAINER_VIEW" where the Action says "CREATED," but I have no idea what a Container View is.

  • There are many unclear actions and object types in the activity log. I have provided extensive feedback and been sent in a loop. There are also a lot of actions that propagate a nonsensical volume of entries, as well as entries that don't provide the most basic information to make the row relevant or useable.

    @WHM - That's another item that should be a question so it can have a solution. The scenario you presented is most likely due to the Weekly Summary. If you look at your email, you will likely find this email and depending on which objects it highlights, it can impact the activity log (which is dumb, and I have reported). Alternatively, they may be getting a scheduled report with an attachment (again - should not be called an export if it is).

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  • omg +1 x10.

    i love the advancements to DomoStats, hope the documentation improves in parallel.

    Google produces really sick documentation on MIME types that might be an interesting format to follow.

    Jae Wilson
    Check out my 🎥 Domo Training YouTube Channel 👨‍💻

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  • Commenting in hopes this gets some attention!

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  • vam
    vam Member

    My company would also benefit greatly from some detailed documentation on this. Please add some!

  • So stoked to see the status change on this Idea!!!

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  • This would be invaluable in tracking who/how users are interacting with Domo. As well as maybe assigning a yes or no to the definition if the object type consumes credits under the consumption model?

  • @eburns I love that idea! And I second that the more visibility into credit usage the better!

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  • atlatoa
    atlatoa Member
    edited February 10

    This would be great especially during auditing season. Auditors have asked for snippets of our Domo activity and it would be great if I can also provide a definition sheet.