Option to set the number of Time periods displayed

Rather than setting a card to show Year to Date, or Last 12 Months, etc. - I would like to have the option to set the number of time periods that I want a card to display. For example, if I set a card to display 6 time periods and then choose to graph the data by month, I would see the last 6 months. If I then choose to display the data by year, I would see the last 6 years.

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  • Jessica
    Jessica Contributor

    Add a descending rank by YearMO number and then filter the card by the new rank field for < 7

    That way as each new month is added the Rank number changes and the new current month is always 1

  • ST_Superman
    ST_Superman Domo Employee

    @Jessica that would show you the last 6 months, but if I change the date grain on the card to quarter it would not display that last 6 quarters.