Domo Publish Enhancements

Ashleigh Coach
edited March 2024 in Domo Everywhere Ideas

I recently got Domo Publish and have a ton of feedback. Here are some of the things I have noticed so far

  1. When you publish a dashboard the data will refresh but if any updates are made to the dataset, such as adding a new column or changing the data type, the federated dataset will not update to reflect those changes. This is annoying because now I have to unsubscribe from the job and re publish it. I would have thought this would be automatic or at least given me some sort of notification that my underlying dataset changed.
  2. Would be super cool if I could publish a parent page without every single child page.
  3. Would be super cool if I could publish children pages without parent pages.
  4. Can we remove the need for PDPs? I'll add them if I want but sometimes I don't need them and its annoying that I am forced to add them. I end up just adding the default group.
  5. If you have a timestamp field and two instances have different time zones, the publish will switch your data. Took me forever to figure out why all my dates changes. And when I went to change it to a Date type I experienced the issue mentioned in the first suggestion.
  6. Finding some way to handle when two instances have different fiscal years. One of my instances did not have fiscal year setup and so when I went to publish I could not figure out why none of my data worked. Would be nice to have got some sort of flag or indicator telling me it was due to fiscal years.

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  • #1 would also be a problem for us. We will have 50+ subscribers and having to unsubscribe/resubscribe for all of them would be a real problem.

  • Jones01
    Jones01 Contributor

    Other improvements / bugs that need addressing are.

    Dashboard filter options don't get published correctly to our subscriber instances.

    Also some DEFAULT filters on our boards never show up in the subscriber instances.

  • akeating
    akeating Contributor

    It would also be nice to be able to delete unnecessary PDP rules. For example, we started using dynamic PDP, but we can't remove the old PDP rules we no longer need. This has resulted in hundreds of rows of unnecessary/unused PDP rules in some of our publication jobs.

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