Data limit on text data


I'm trying to build an app that will include a card that renders an article. The body of the article comes in as html and it does render as text in the card but the article text gets cut off.  Is there a limit on the number of characters a data point can hold? 


  • kshah008
    kshah008 Contributor

    Hi all,


    Can anybody help @rsgmon with their question?


  • andrewnemrow

    Is this an issue with the card (image or document card?) or with rendering in the app? Does the full text of the article fit inside the card itself but not the app? Data points are only limited by the dataset column itself, so if the dataset contains the data without a problem, then I don't imagine this is a data limit problem. Feel free to open a Support ticket showing the problem inside the app. Also include the source card, and they can help you troubleshoot.

  • NateJson

    I have run into a similar issue, and after testing it seems like the text limit is 1024 bytes for a cell.