Email link directly to Domo iOS app


I have found that if you replace the "http://" with "domo://" in a hyperlink it will open the iOS web app to the home page but does not deep link to the dashboard desired. Is there any way to deep link directly to a dashboard inside the mobile domo app from iOS?





This link opens the mobile app but does not link to the page specified. Any idea how to make this happen?


  • kshah008
    kshah008 Contributor

    Hi all,

    Can anybody help @kith_howes out?


  • andrewnemrow

    Currently, there is not a way to link directly to a dashboard in the web app. Adding domo:// in a hyperlink can only open the web app. Is this a functionality that would be useful to you? If so, then I am able to submit an enhancement request for the feature.

  • kshah008
    kshah008 Contributor

    @kith_howes, tagging you to check out andrewnemrow's reply.

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