suggestion: add number of samples in boxplot

CesarSancho Member
edited January 22 in Charting Ideas

hello all

I am creating cards with boxplot and I would like to add in the label the number of samples observed in each box, but that option is not available.

The ultimate goal is to give final users a hint on the box being statistically relevant or not. Other alternatives could be to modify the color or the width of the box based on the (logarithm of) the number of samples, or add the capability to filter out boxes behind a minimum number of samples.

3 votes

Implemented · Last Updated


  • Yeah, n would be great, especially under the category name, like what would be standard in a publication. I'd add the labels currently available should have smarter placement, i.e. median goes on the median, Q3 goes on Q3, etc.

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  • Matt Tannyhill
    Matt Tannyhill Domo Product Manager

    This is available as of today! Thanks for the suggestion. @CesarSancho @DavidChurchman

    Matt Tannyhill

    Domo – Product Manager

    Data Analysis & Visualization

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