Magic ETL Column Search Improvements

The new Column Search feature is a godsend. But … it could be better with two modifications:

  • Add a Match String checkbox to limit the search to match the text string exactly. I was searching for the source of a field in a very large ETL. It turned out that the name of the one I wanted (countAsCar, for example) is included in other names in the file (RefundCountAsCar, betaCountAsCar, etc.) that come from other datasets, so finding the actual source was a painstaking process. It would have made this almost painless if I could have searched for an exact match (with maybe an optional Match Case checkbox).
  • Add a checkbox to limit the highlighting to tiles referencing the name (it currently highlights all tiles where the name is part of the input or output schema). I had another issue last week in that same ETL where I discovered that we generated a calculated field early in the ETL but then, near the end, replaced the contents with a completely different calculation. Having a Referenced Only checkbox (gonna have to workshop that name) available would have saved hours of confusion.
10 votes


  • Exact match literally just got me a couple of minutes ago

  • jimsteph
    jimsteph Contributor

    Thinking about it, for the first option change the checkbox to Exact Match, and add the optional Case Sensitive checkbox beside it. I'm drawing a blank on Referenced Only, though …