Nested Beast Modes (need to still be able to insert beast mode text if we are only allowed 1 level)

Glad to see DOMO is allowing for nested beast modes now. It would be nice if they would allow references to beast modes that have beast modes referenced within them, but it seems like this is a beta launch and are working towards that.


While it is not possible to reference a beast mode that references another beast mode, users should still be allowed the capability to easily insert the text from one beast mode into another. The issue is that when clicking a Beast Mode field to add it into the editor, it now only calls the beast mode name, rather than text. This is a problem if I am trying to call a beast mode that references another beast mode.

I find that I now have to:

1. Put a placeholder value in the beast mode I am working on

2. Close the beast mode editor

3. Open up the beast mode I am trying to reference

4. Copy the text

5. Close the beast mode editor

6. Open up the beast mode I was working on

7. Paste the text.

It is a lot of extra steps now….still I like the new capability.

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