More Domo Publish Updates

Ashleigh Coach
edited December 2023 in Domo Everywhere Ideas

In using Domo Publish I am finding it hard to manage published dashboards and when they get updated. It would be great if there was some way users could request dashboards to be published (similar to how you can request cards be certified). It would also be nice if there was some sort of indicator on the page that mentions this is a published page and gave a notice when someone makes updates. I am finding my users are making updates to the parent instance page and not telling anyone so the publish never gets refreshed and the children instances never get updated. When a certified card gets updated it loses its certified status, something like that would be good for published dashboards.

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5 votes

In Backlog · Last Updated

We are looking at many of these requests


  • Love all these smart ideas Ashleigh. Let’s continue to discuss these directly.