Tiered Date Chart Properties

Has anyone had any luck successfully using the Tiered Dates in the Chart Properties? I haven't been able to figure out how it's supposed to work, and the only documentation I can find on it is the original release notes when it was first announced and one other article that it links to, neither of which go into much detail. 


The card I've started is a Line chart, graphed by the last 7 days by hour and I'm trying to have the X axis display like the below screenshot from this Knowledge Base article. Can anyone provide some direction on how to acheive this? Thanks in advance!


Tiered Dates Example.PNG


  • ST_Superman
    ST_Superman Domo Employee

    Can you show the chart properties of the card you are building?

  • Category Scale (X):

    Category Scale (X).PNG


    Trellis/Tiered Date Settings:

    Trellis Tiered Date Settings.PNG


    Date Settings:

    Date Settings.PNG


    And this is how the scale currently looks:


    Current X Axis.PNG

  • ST_Superman
    ST_Superman Domo Employee

    My first suggestion would be to try removing the "Date Output Format" and setting the "Never Use Time Scale" back to default from the Category Scale (X) section.  



  • That was my first thought as well, but when I do that it doesn't come out as clean:



    Never Use Time Scale.PNG

  • ST_Superman
    ST_Superman Domo Employee

    I didn't have a dataset with a timestamp on it, but here is a similar view using days and months:tiered dates 1.png


    Here are the chart properties:tiered dates 2.png


    tiered dates 3.png

    Let me know if that helps.


    Or, if you don't mind attaching some sample data that I could use, I could try with some of your data.

  • I was able to get the same result as you with my data. Even with the date/time field it still defaulted to the month and day axis. I've attached a sample, so please let me know if you're able to figure anything out. Thanks! 

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