Card with editable fields



I have a card with customer order number, and date. Once we have that info create a vendor order. I need to add a vendor order number and assoicate it with the customer order number. Is it possible to add a editable field to the card? 

Best Answer


  • Darius
    Darius Domo Employee
    Answer ✓



    There is not currently a way to have an editable field in a standard card, although a custom app could likely support that kind of functionality if you are comfortable developing one. Here is a point of reference for our Dev Studio, which would likley be the best tool for the job:



    Alternatively, you can have that kind of card powered by a Webform so the Dataset can be edited directly by a user via the Webform Dataset within the Domo instance. For more information on Webform Datasets, you can refer to this article:


    Darius Rose
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  • jackb1117
    jackb1117 Contributor

    We also have use cases where this would be a really great feature. I understand that you could do it via an app or hack it using a disconnected webform, but the ability to do it in-line would be really powerful.

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