TDanis Contributor


  • @Tsharma8724 It looks like it is a limitation of Zendesk API on results per query. A connector enhancement request from your accounts team would be required for Domo Engineering to build it out. You would need to adjust your query and run it on…
    Zendesk 1000 row limit TDanisによるコメント 11月 2022
  • @mlee There is only one ElasticSeach connector. That's good you have a support case. Engineering will likely need your credentials to debug the connector. We typically only see issues with escape characters being used in password fields. The only thing I could think of is if there is an IP restriction on that server but if…
  • @mlee It would be a custom URL where your ElasticSearch is hosted, with a port number on the end of it. I've seen ones like these used in the past "" or ""
  • @Ashleigh You need to check the box "Show only groups I can manage" before it lets you bulk manage it and have the manage all groups grant ono your security role.
  • @Ashleigh The Directory groups will need to be deleted within Domo. This can be done in the Admin/groups section and by checking "show only groups I can manage". This will allow you to bulk select I recommend filtering the group type to "Directory". Directory groups will only be imported to Domo if a user is a member of…
  • I think that would be your best bet currently. If you haven't upvoted this in ideas exchange to get parquet files supported in Domo I would do so