Re: beast mode % calculation
Hi If you were to split your beast mode would you get Active Users:2215 Users: 2215 or Active Users:3273 Users: 3273 The answer might give you a clue. You might find the inactive users due nto come u…1 -
Re: CSV Space Delimited Uploading
I would contact support about it. If Excel can open the file properly and workbench also should. Alternatively you could find a script to do the conversion, then create a batch file that does the con…1 -
Re: Sum previous month traffic
I cna see an issue with the beastmodes: MAX doesnt work for case statements, at least not in the way everyone would want. The MAX value you woudl be getting is the MAX of the row, which is just tha v…1 -
Re: Calculate price change from period to period
Not sure it will work for future peroids but I think your beastmode would work like this AVERAGE( (case when `AccountingMonth`= '19-06' then `OpProgramPrice` else 0 end) ) - AVERAGE( (case when `Acco…1 -
Re: Creating custom date ranges for display
Hi Ask your rep to set-up a fiscal calendar for your instance. They should have offered it to you on day one as it is very useful for things like this and you will get value out of it well beyond you…1