How to select date range on Twitter Advanced Connector
Hi Domo community! I am attempting to set up the Twitter Advanced Connector to pull in Tweets using the "Search Tweets" report. My other settings are as follows: When I use these settings, the data only goes back about 1 week. Unfortunately I am unable to see where I can select a Start date for my dataset. Is there a…
Cannot Move page to subpage with Admin Access
To whom it may concern, I have a admin level access on my domo instance, yet when I try to move a page to make it a subpage, I can only select a small number of subpages which does not inlclude the page i am trying to move it to. As an admin shouldnt i have access to all of the pages within my domo instance? Can someone…
Domo Excel Plug in won't upload
Hi I just recently downloaded the Domo Excel Plug in and I am having trouble uploading the DataSet back to the same DataSet I pulled it from. It only gives me the option to create a new dataset. The dataset I am trying to update was orginially an excel file so I am confused why it is not allowing me to update it back into…