PDP Settings - Is there a limit to the number of columns associated with one policy?
I'm working with a weird dataset/conditions, and wanted to associate 18 different columns and their values to one pdp policy. I made these policies using the standalone GUI utility https://domohelp.domo.com/hc/en-us/articles/360043439353-PDP-Policy-Autocreation. However, I'm getting weird errors. The PDP policy just isn't…
What's wrong with this case when statement / how do case when's operate on the back end?
Hello! I'm having a problem with a case when statement, and it seems like its not working because I don't fully understand how/when Case When's output information, especially when nested. Here's the code for my new variable `CurrentWeekofYear` case when `Week Number` = (case when `WorkDate`=TODAY() then `Week Number` end)…
Question on Dataset Sharing and PDP Using Groups
Hey All, So I have a quick question, because I'm trying to find a quicker way to share datasets. Lets say I have four users. Two users are in group A, and the other two users are in group B. I have two PDP policies created for the dataset Z---one has Group A as a member and the other has Group B as a member. I also have…