Running a Connector Dataset Programmatically - Full Authorization Required
Hi, I have a dataset created using the Amazon Redshfit Unload connector, created via the Domo Web Interface. I would like to call this programmatically via a POST request to the api. I am making a post request to: my Domo instance using OAuth 2.0. And I am recieving this response: { "status": 401, "statusReason":…
Appending a Column to a Webform
I have the following requirements: * Given a Domo Web Form where users add Data to a Dataset. * I would like to pull the dataset, add an additional column and modify it based on the data. * Replace the webform. Is this possible via the API (or otherwise)?
How to Speed Up Input in Redshift SQL Data Flow
Hi, I have the current dataflow setup, where Table_A and Table_B have the exact same columns: * Input Table_A (1 hour 2 mins) * Input Table_B (1 hour 53 mins) * Delete from Table_B Where Table_B.id = Table_A.id (3 secs) * Output Table_B as SELECT * FROM Table_A UNION ALL SELECT * FROM Table_B (1 hour 36 minutes) As you can…
How to Speed Up Input in Redshift SQL Data Flow
Hi, I have the current dataflow setup, where Table_A and Table_B have the exact same columns: * Input Table_A (1 hour 2 mins) * Input Table_B (1 hour 53 mins) * Delete from Table_B Where Table_B.id = Table_A.id (3 secs) * Output Table_B as SELECT * FROM Table_A UNION ALL SELECT * FROM Table_B (1 hour 36 minutes) As you can…