Flex Table Sorting by Pct Change
Is there a way to sort Flex tables by the % or value change? I want to show the top 20 rows that has the highest % or value change. I only see the option to sort by total which doesn't work for my use case. Thanks
Remove Color Rules
Hello, I added color rules to share with the dataset - is there a way to delete these rules for some of the cards? I try removing them from some cards and they still persist. Thanks!
Box and Whisker Plot Not correct when aggregate
I'm doing a box and whisker plot for number of followers each user has grouped by clients - so my chart is catergory names = Client, Column containing dataset = total followers. When I filter for individual clientname, the low, median, high values are correct but when I don't filter for a specific client and try to show…
Color Rules Not Working on Scatter Plot
Hello, I'm trying to create a Scatter Plot with the X axis being % of Total Activated Users and the Y axis being % of Users following another User and the series is the Clientname. I'm trying to set the ColorRules so that clients who are "high risk" would appear as a Red dot on the chart and "satisfied" as green on the…