Can Workflows interact with Domo Projects and Tasks?
Would like to automatically create a task in Projects & Tasks based on someone completing a form (vs. me seeing the update to the form and then manually creating a task). Or more generally, what is the ability to interact with Projects via. Workflows? Thanks!
Limit Quick-Sort options
For example, a particular card may only want the quick-sort options to be Value-based, vs. category based. If alpha-numeric category sorting isn't relevant to a card, users may (are) be getting confused, but it'd be nice to save the 2-3 clicks to go "back" to the other value-sort they were looking at.
Adobe Analytics JWT v2 Connector Multiple Segments
Hi, I'm wondering if there's any way to apply 2 (or more) segments to an Adobe Analytics report built through the JWT v2 connector. I realize a possible workaround is to just go and create a new segment in AA which combines the rules from the 2 or more segments, but this is not always feasible based on the number of…