Add A Tile To The Dataset Overview That Shows The Dataset Views That use This Dataset
In the highlighted areas include the dataset views that use this dataset. In the "Direct Impact" section add the count of dataset views. Also add a new tile that that shows the dataset views that are created and gives the option to create a new one. This should be similar to the tile for DataFlows.
Add tooltip fields to the predictive modeling chart type.
Please add tooltip fields to the predictive modeling chart type. We have a customer request to have additional data displayed on the hover text. This data is not plotted on the chart, therefore it is not available to add to the hover text. Adding tool tips would allow for this information to be made available to the user.
Delete Embed Links
Currently the only way to make an Embed link inaccessible is to turn it off. This is leading to clutter in our instance, as users are clicking on the "Embed Dashboard" link under the share button, it creates a new embed item on the management page. We would like the ability to delete embeds on the management page.