Domo - delete data
Why does Domo not have a simple way to delete certain rows that match a criteria? How can I delete certain rows from a dataset? Analogous to SQL "DELETE FROM"
DOMO - Timestamp
Hello, I have data coming in from SQL with a timestamp from previous day. So the date in the table will be current date -1. I want to separate this data into 3 different tables, Table 1 - 7 AM to 3 PM Table 2 - 3 Pm - 11 PM Table 3 - 11 PM to 7 AM. How can I add a formula in the filter for tile to filter the rows by that?…
How to append data to the output dataset?
I have a workbench job that will run daily. It will get the data with current date. I then needs to filter this data and create two data sets using the DataFlow ETL tool. How do I append data to the DataFlow ETL output table? DataFlow ETL creates a new table every time it runs. I realize that One way to achieve this is to…