Regarding domo APP DB
Hi Team, I have enabled "syncEnabled": true at manifest.json to export APP DB data to domo. I can see the collection information . But I want document related columns information, i.e., JSON document "content" value i.e , it contains content information as per below…
how to convert collection to domo dataset and How to access document collection
Hi Team, I created Domo App called Assessment which collects the user input from the app and convert to domo collection called assessementresluts collection object. Can you please help me regarding below two questions as per below? 1) How to convert above API collection to domo dataset? which is shown in screen shot,…
Can you please help me how to convert domo document collection to domo dataset?
Hi Team, I created APP which creates domo document collection as per screen shot. 1) How to get access to above mentioned document collection? as I need to automate above mentioned document collection to the csv, and then to domo dataset through the domo workbench. But I am unable to access the above mentioned document…