How to format "or" clause in Query?
I have this Javascript and I'm trying to make an OR clause for the where but I cannot figure out the syntax and the manual does not show any OR examples. query .select([…snipped…) // <- specify select columns here .where('errorMessage').contains('Some text') .or('errorMessage').contains('Some other text') .limit(1000);
HTML Table Conditional Row Formatting
I have implemented some conditional formatting using this code in an HTML table: $(myTable).DataTable({ data: reorderedData, lengthMenu: itemsPerPageOptions, columns: colNames, createdRow: function(row, data, dataIndex) { var daysOld = data[0]; // Correctly reference the first column if (daysOld == 1) {…
Onclick Events
I have a simple card with a Table on it where one column that has a HTML link created with a concat function. The link is to call an Azure API and I'm trying to modify the link so that it will call the API silently instead of opening a new tab each time. I was able to play with an HTML brick and get a Javascript onclick…
Allow Multiple Distinct Values When Filtering with Match Values
The Match Values filter only allows a single entry. This forces us to use Beast Mode if we have multiple values we'd like to filter but which don't have values in the current data set. It would be great if we could enter a list of values. Something like 'value a', 'value b', 'value c' Thanks.
How to use multiple values in Match Values?
I found a post asking this question that was not answered. I do not want to use a Beast Mode. Is there a way to list multiple values in the Match Values field of a filter?