Regex_replace doens´t work in MySQL
Hi there, I would like to adjust a column by using Regex: SELECT *,regexp_replace( regexp_replace( `Page`, 'https://www.[^\/]*\/.{2}\/[^\/]*\/', ''), '\\?.*', '' ) AS Townslug FROM `ga_pageviews_per_town` Background info: DOMO loads our Google Analytics urls. Afterwards I need to replace all valid urls into a specific…
Best mode - combine MTD and YTD
Hi there! I have a problem with beast mode. I think the solution is easy, but I can´t figure out the correct function in beast mode. We need to display sales of our team. Therefore I created a table with team names and sales MTD and Sales YTD. My datasource includes a field called season (our business year is from May till…
Updating dataflow without updating datasource
Hi there! I have troubles with DOMO and can´t figure it out without adding (hopefully) unnecessary data. We run a daily update on costs on an external service via Excel upload. In dataflow I join daily costs from the previous year. We don´t have costs on every day, but we still need to run it, so costs from last year are…
Setting Alerts - DoD
Hi, I created a chart, which shows me a KPI from yesterday, the day before yesterday and it´s variance (The data is broken at the moment, so results are completely wrong). Afterwards I created two alerts, which for test purposes only alerts when there is no change (which is not possible), One on "Most recent" and one on…
Date Range til yesterday
Hi there, I have a calculation which compares daily sailes from this year to last year. Addionally YTD will be calculated and compared. Unfortunately, DOMO includes today as the starting date, which is 0 and compares that figure to the relevant day in the last year. Therefore I receive a wrong YTD in my last year. Does…
Custom P&L - Design problems
Hi there, I need help from you guys. I want to create a custom P&L. Unfortunately, I can´t figure out the design part. My current version in excel has the following structure: example structure So far, I was able to add Ranks and Categories to my Dataset, so I can have a correct order of my accounts. Unforunately, I have a…
Sudden Beastmode error
Hi there! I have a card, which uses a lot of beast mode calculations. All of a sudden. I get this error: "You have a divide by zero error in your Card´s Beast Mode / Link: Get help in Domo´s Knowledge Base" So, I checked everything and I was told that I needed a case function to avoid 0 division, also checked DOJO topics,…
Gauges Days of Season
Hi there! We are a very seasonal company. Therefore I would like to create Gauge Card, which simply shows the current date compared to the end of our season. Our season ends on the 30th of April and start around the 1st of December. Unfortunately, my used data isn´t recognized by the card builder. Enclosed you will find a…
Criteo Data Upload
Hi there! DOMO only has a connector for Criteo Premium Publisher Platform. We don´t have a publisher account, but a normal one. I don´t know how to get those information automatically into DOMO on a daily basis. Maybe someone was in the same situation and can explain me how to proceed further! Many thanks
Performance Issue MySQL DataFlow
Hi there! I have a bit of an performance issue. I am basically trying to create a table for our sales department, which includes all sales countries (as a filter), sales towns (column 1) and sales (Total) from this year (column 2), last year sales (column 3) and a variance column (column 4). Furthermore I want to insert a…
MySQL Data Flow - Running Total - Specific Period?
Hi there! I am currently working on a running total, which worked out fine. The only thing I can´t figure out is to calculate a running total per specific period. My table should look like that: As you can see our season starts on the first of May and ends on the last of April in the following year. My current code for YTD…
Beast Mode POP Day Calculation
Hi everyone! I am currently trying to create 2 variance calculations and 3 YTD calculation. Lets start with the 2 variance calculations: * The first variance should calculate the Total Sales of each day and reduce it with the Total Sales of a day in the prior year. * The second variance should do the same, but in % The YTD…
Domo Beast mode row aggregation
Hi Domo-Community! Hopefully, you can help me! I have a table like the enclosed one, which is based on a huge file, with the help of ETL I was able to reduce the complexity to this level. My problem is that I can´t aggregate each day to one row. The aggregation is based on the filter. So, when I want to see salesfigure for…