Is there a way to remove achievement badges from a user profile?
If an achievement badge was assigned by accident to a user profile, how you would go about removing it? There doesn't appear to be an option for that?
Making your DDX HTML Brick transparent
Greetings :wave: Hoping someone will be able to solve a mystery for me. I have been playing with the HTML brick and am stuck on how to make the background of the card transparent. I used the card interface but even when set to transparent it remains white which I suppose in makes sense. I tried using CSS to have the…
Border when hovering over a DDX Brick
Has anyone ever tried to disable to the border when you hover over a ddx brick? Hoping there is a hack for removing it or at a minimum lets me change the colour so it blends in with the background and isn't noticeable.
URL's in DDX bricks aren't clickable?
Is there a reason why default HTML syntax for links is not working in DDX bricks? Clicking on hyperlink or hyperlinked images doesn't open anything. I see the link appear when I hover over the element but nothing happens when I click ... I need to right-click to open the image or link in a new tab. Strange that the…