Datasets join issue
I'm trying to create a card that can be used to present to budget owners how much they have currently spent for the month compared to the budget they've been given. In order to do so, I have to create a dataflow that involves joining 2 datasets; One is Netsuite, which stores all the journal entry transactions, and the…
Datasets join issue
I'm trying to create a card that can be used to present to budget owners how much they have currently spent for the month compared to the budget they've been given. In order to do so, I have to create a dataflow that involves joining 2 datasets; One is Netsuite, which stores all the journal entry transactions, and the…
Forecast monthly expense
I'm trying to create a formula within ETL that will help budget owners understand how their expenses will be accrued over time. Ex: There's one Purchase Order that has $10,000 left to invoice, and the PO end date is July 31,2022. Our accounting team would expense them evenly for $2,500 for April - July. So I'd need to…