Is there a way to add a card on a publication group page to your Favorites page?
i created Publication Groups to filter data sets by User Groups. the users can access the publication group page but can not add any of the data cards to their Favorites. Any ideas/suggestions would be appreciated.
Yammer Connector
Hey everyone, I'm trying - and failing to connect to Yammer. Are there any tips out there to allow Yammer / DOMO connections? I've not had this type of issue with other connectors. Domo Support responded with the following: At this time we recommend having your YAMMER admin contact YAMMER directly, and ask them what…
Existing Data Flows are unavailable to update
2 of my DataFlows are no longer available for Editing. i can edit the name/description, but i can not update the actual DataFlow. this is because the don't appear in the DataFlow section of Data Center. anyone else come across this?