How to find the owners of the Beast Modes?
Hi, I am trying to build a card that shows the broken beast mode by owner name, but can't find the owner name. I tried to link the 'DOMO Governance - Beast Modes' data set with the 'activity user' dataset which gives me the owners of the card, page, and even dataset, but how do I find the owner of the dataset? Any help…
Is there any way to find how many times a dataset/dataflow has failed?
Hello everyone, I am building a table view card that shows the owner name, dataset/dataflow name, no of times it has failed, and timestamp when it has failed. I got the first two columns but how do I find the other two columns: Number of failures and Timestamp? Thanks
HTML code is not working in table view
Hi Folks, I am pretty new in DOMO and need your help. I tried with the following code in DOMO beast mode. CASE WHEN DATEDIFF(CURRENT_DATE(), `Last updated Date`) > 3 then concat('<div style="color:red">',`Last updated Date`, '</div>') ELSE concat('<div style="color:green">', `Last updated Date`, '</div>') END but, it…
Case statement in beast mode
Hi, I have five columns in the dataset named Product1, Product2, Product3, Product4, and Product5. I want to find out how many products have been sold in 1 transaction. All columns have value 'Y' and 'N'. To find out the combinations of 2 products bundle, I am using: (case when (`Product1` = 'Y' and `Product2` = 'Y') or…