How To Calculate Time In Status?
I want to calculate time in status or time difference for "IN QA/REVIEW" which stops being in the status when it transition to either to "IN QA/REVIEW" / "Failed QA" / "Verified (Ready to Deploy)". Is there a known approach that DOMO offers that can solve this challenge? Status Timestamp Verified (Ready to Deploy)…
Broken Trend Chart With No Data
I am using a Monthly Trend chart, and because one month has no data, the line is broken and does not go to 0 connected. Is there a way to make the chart show 0 for the months that do not have data? I have tried beast mode, dataflow with a calendar dataset left outer join, and it does not resolve the problem for some…
How to convert Milliseconds into Date
I have a data set with timestamp represented in milliseconds and I want to convert it into date . Data sample: "1656076776827" Expected after conversion: "24 June 2022 09:19:36" I looked at the beastmode and could not find anything that would help me to convert it, any suggestions?