Dashboard embed codes and the API
A quick two-in-one question about the API and making dashboards embeddable. Is it possible to use the API to see the embed code for a dashboard? Is it possible to change a dashboard from "Embed options = OFF" to "Embed options = Public" using the API? Many thanks!
Questions about "Embed Dashboard" = "Public"
Folks, My colleague and I are working on a single Domo account; he builds the dashboards in Domo and I embed them in our private portal for customers. We just noticed today that for the exact same dashboards, when he and both click on the "Embed Dashboard" option, and look at the state of the "Embed options" dropdown, he…
API DataSet export using RestSharp.RestClient
Folks, I have a valid client ID and Client Secret, and I can export the data I want using Postman. But I need to do this thru C# code in Linqpad, and it fails every time. (The .Dump() method below is their clever variation on Console.WriteLine().) RestClient dataClient = new RestClient("https://api.domo.com"); RestRequest…
Is it possible to overlay a "milestone date" onto date-based cards?
When we show data to our customers like this... ...it would be helpful to overlay it with milestone dates or other significant dates, to put the changes in context. Something like this... It would be great to maintain lists of these milestones and overlay them onto the data where the dates overlap. Is this possible?
How to set a default date-filter for iFrame-embedded dashboard?
Folks, First, this dashboard will be viewed embedded in a webpage iFrame. These seem to behave differently in a lot of regards, to please keep this in mind. Okay...I have 18 months of data and growing. I want users to arrive on this dashboard page and see the previous TWELVE months by default. But I want them able to…