Unable to see Forms on Appstudio
In the app studio, I am unable see the 'forms' option. But I see a form builder app in the appstore. So, does form come by default with App Studio or is it an add on feature?
Snowflake Federated dataset refresh rate
I have created a Snowflake federated dataset with a Cache TTL of 900 seconds. I have some confusion about the following. When I add reload data to my base table in Snowflake, I expect the Federated dataset to run in real-time or after 900 secs. But I don't see my 'Last run' section getting updated on the Dataset Overview…
Snowflake federated dataset refresh
have created a Snowflake federated dataset with a Cache TTL of 900 seconds. I have some confusion about the following. When I add reload data to my base table in Snowflake, I expect the Federated dataset to run in real-time or after 900 secs. But I don't see my 'Last run' section getting updated on the Dataset Overview…