My date filters are on the struggle bus in the new year y'all. CASE when WEEK(`Week Date`) = Week(CURDATE())-1 then 'show' else 'hide' end = 'show' The filter is simply returning this current week ins…
I'd like to add a third column in a table visualization that displays the % change for the current week to each previous period listed. What's the best way to create a beast mode for this?
Hey Domo Smarties! [Annotated Screen Cap Below] What's the best way to filter out duplicate rows according to the latest modified date in an ETL? Desired Result: One unique entry by "start date" and "…
I need to display results in cards from the last complete weeks in a dataset. (This dataset is on a 7-day lag. Thus making it not compatible with the Period over Period cards. Which is cray cray to me…
I am trying to calculate the difference between periods for a specific metric and am running into some trouble. (As you can see from the screenshot below, the Beast Mode calculation I am using doesn't…