Custom Combo Chart
Hello, I need some help adding a line to my chart and some calculations. In the chart below (first chart from domo), I have monthly KGPM (Kilograms per million), I want to add a line that will show the KGPD YTD (year to date), something similar to chart 2 below in excel. Now, in order to add the line I need to do some…
Convert text to date field using
Hello, I am using Magic ETL and trying to convert a text field to a date field. Earlier on my data flow I had to alter some columns by using the cast function. I was able to continue with the data flow and have the output I want. It was until I was creating a card that I noticed the "Date" is "Text". (I have some formulas…
Duplicates after joining datasets
Hello, I have two data sets, that I ma trying to combine, And After I combine the sets, I get dupplicates Any reccomendations?
Hello, I am new to DOMO and I am learning it as I work on this project. I am trying to combine two datasets to calculate monthly supplier performance: qty rejected divided by qty received. I have dataset A, qty rejected, with tons of data. I did some calculations and was able to chart the defects of each supplier by month,…