How to create YTD, LYTD, LYLW, etc columns from a FISCAL CALENDAR
I have a dataset that has sales per item going by each week (yyyyww) for the last three years, only I can't use things like YEAR(CURDATE()) or YEARWEEK(CURDATE()) because the yearweek we're getting from the dataset is based on a fiscal calendar (Ex: The first full week of august is the first week of the year, so July 29,…
Pivot Table Issues - Needs Work
Hi there, I've been using pivot tables for a while, and I just noticed a weird way in which Pivot Table cards specifically sort their data. I have the retail sales of a bunch of different brands, and then I sort them by month using a pivot table. When I go to sort them or filter by retail sales, it sorts or filters based…
How to show Actual Grand Total rather than "Grand Total"
Hello, I have a card built that only has two columns, and both columns have numerical values that I need to see a total of. However, when I activate the Grand Total option for the card, instead of showing an actual total it has the "Grand Total" text since it is the first column on the card, and I cannot add any other…
How to get Last Week/Last Year/etc through dataflows
A lot of premise here so bear with me. I have a dataset containing financial data for a 14 day period (Sold Units, Retail, Expenses, etc). Every 14 days I upload the latest data from the raw source online. I load that data into Domo workbench and have it append the new data so that everything is in the same place. So each…
Google Ads Connector - Location Data
Hi All, I'm using the newer Google Ads connector, and when I select Geographic View and select any of the geo_target_xxx segments (lets just do geo_target_state), I get "geoTargetConstants/21132" in my results. There are 51 variations of that 5-digit number, counting up from 21132 to 21184. I assume these are the states of…