Unsupported SQL Functions in Workbench
Is anyone aware of some SQL functions being unsupported in Workbench? I have been using a small query that contains both charindex and substring. When I run it directly against our database in SSMS it works fine, but it seems Workbench is not interpreting correctly. It would be helpful to know if there's a document…
View of actively running datasets and dataflows
Is there current functionality within the DOMO data warehouse, or data list view to see current running jobs? I have seen the green graphic/line in the warehouse that something is currently importing, but haven't seen a single view to find all actively running datasets and/or dataflows at a given time. If not I think that…
Creating Temp Tables in Azure data connector
I am playing around with the azure data connector and wondering if the ability exists to create temp tables when writing my query for the azure sql data warehouse connector? I have been succesful in doing it with workbench but would be awesome if the same functionality exists with the Azure connection. I am currently…