Color Rules Help
Hi Everyone, Can I ask if it is feasible to create a color rule in DOMO that highlights values in green if they meet or surpass the objective and red if they do not meet the target? Thank you!
Validate Syntax
Good day, Just want to confirm if my syntax is correct? CONCAT(FLOOR(([record_age] / 86400000)), ' days, ', FLOOR((([record_age] % 86400000) / 3600000)), ' hours, ', FLOOR((([record_age] % 3600000) / 60000)), ' minutes, and ', FLOOR((([record_age] % 60000) / 1000)), ' seconds') I was intending to convert a milliseconds…
Dynamic Date and Time
Hello All, I'm working currently on a report that would need data for just a specific date and time. Would you give any advice on how to create a beastmode script that will show the time between 6am on the previous day to 6am on the current day. Here is what my column looks like,
Delta Difference
Hi Everyone, Hope you can help me with this one. I am trying to get the delta difference from both 2 months. Just to show how many volume increased previous to current month. Any reccomendations? Thanks!