Alert for Field Name Change (within a column)
The current set up involves a dataset that is updated once a day and this is then uploaded to DOMO for further use. If a field within a column is changed and there would've been cards that are filtered on this very specific field within a column, the cards will go blank. Has anyone counteracted this? Please bear in mind…
Datasets Running Twice with a Small First Run
For some reason datasets are running twice with an initial small run of <5 seconds that is considered an "API update". This affects ETLs which have their trigger set on "when datasets update" as well as alerts. What happens is that the ETL starts running off of the 2s dataset run above, after which it will run again when…
"Warning: Not all the data is shown."
DOMO is truncating my data and showing the above message due to a large amount of rows being used. When I write 100,000 in the 'Limit rows', replacing 'All rows', the warning message is removed (100,000 is the maximum I could put there). However, data is still truncated in the visualization, therefore having a summary…