How can I set a default value on a filter card?
I have a data set the contains a column showing the status of a training class. The possible status are active, pending, or inactive. I need to set the default value of a dropdown filter to active, but allow the user the ability to select one or more of the values to control the results they see in the dashboards. The…
Reporting the negative
I have a business case to that requires me to report the locations or at worst the number of locations per region that have not had an audit in the past x number of weeks/months. My data set only includes the locations that have a started an audit. However, the entire location base had at least one successful audit in the…
Support for multiple delimiters in CSV for use in European countries
A significant number of countries do not use a comma as a delimiter for CSV files. The inability to select an alternate delimiter such as a semicolon cause issues in these countries.
How do you set the default delimiter when exporting via CSV?
We have a larger number of users that are in European countries. The default delimiter in CSV files in Europe is a semicolon not a comma. We allow the users to export the data from a card as a CSV. How can I set the default delimiter to be a semicolon instead of a comma?
Error messages on embedded cards
We need the ability to control the error messages and report issue button when cards do not load in the embedded environment. The report issue is problematic as the end user assumes that the issue will be reported to their support group, but it does not.
How can I add an icon representing a file type for a URL into a table?
I have a data set which contains a column for URL's for file a user has upload and a second column that contains the type of file that has been uploaded. I have created a beast mode that displays a thumbnail of any uploads that are images. I now want to display an icon for items that are not images but cannot get the icons…
How can I hide a card, filter, or custom control on a dashboard?
We have a business case that requires us to have a control that sets a variable that we use to determine which column to display as part of a visualization. The value of the control will be preset. We want the control to be hidden on the dashboard. How can this be accomplished?
How do you build a Single Value card when using a variable?
I am trying to produce a single value card that shows the number of active employees at a specific point in time. The data set columns included: employeeId employeeFirstName employeeLastName employeeStatus employeeStatusStartDate employeeStatusEndDate (this is null for the current status) locationName regionName…
How do I select specific rows in a data set based on a single variable date filter?
We have products that move through different status. As they move through these status a new row is generated in the data set (see example below) with the product name, the new status, the date the status started and end status date (set to 1/1/2050). The end date of the previous status is also updated. As a user, I want…
How do you calculate a percentage using two different count(distinct) beast mode calculations?
I have a data set that contains the following columns, training id, employee id, training question id (each training contains multiple questions), training completion status (i.e., passed, failed, to do). We have this beast mode calculation to identify the number of employees that have passed the training: case when…