DomoStats Datasets report - Add Cloud Provider
Hi team, Our DomoStats Datasets report doesn't currently include a field which shows the cloud platform a dataset is stored on (e.g. Domo, Snowflake, Redshift). Same with the Domo Governance Datasets connector. Raising this here because a customer is looking for this functionality, and I do think it would be a useful…
Bulk-add IP Addresses to Whitelist
Hi team, We have customer who wants to bulk-add IP addresses to the "IP Address Allowlist" section in Admin > Network Security. However, the UI is limited to the following formats when adding IPs: -Single IP addresses -Range of sequential IP addresses -Mask range of sequential IP addresses Since they have a long list of IP…
Calendar View does not display with one day's worth of data
Hi team, A customer reached out because they noticed that all of their Calendar cards changed today, and they no longer displayed the calendar. We found that this was because the date range was set to "Year to Date" and since it's January 1st, the card only had 1 day's worth of data. Because of this, the data displayed in…
Projects and Tasks - Sort by due date
Hi team, A customer asked if there's a way to sort Tasks by due date, without dragging and dropping. It doesn't look like we have this capability, but I think this would be a great feature to add. Let me know if I can clarify anything - Thanks!
Inline Editing App improvements
Hi team, One of our customers pointed out some difficulties when using the Inline Editing app, and offered a few suggestions for improvement: 1. Creating a New Card - It doesn't seem possible to create a new card from the Asset Library, and the error "Invalid Client ID" appears, which can easily cause confusion: I believe…
DomoStats connector - Activity Log report limit
Hi team, Posting this for one of our customers, in regards to the DomoStats connector: The DomoStats connector only provides a small rolling window of Activity Log entries in the Activity Log report. We currently retain only 30 days (though in the past we retained a longer window). However, the connector report…
Export to Excel - row limitation alert
Hi team, We had a client point out that there's no alert or notification when exporting to Excel indicating that the row count is limited to one million. The limitation is outlined in our Exporting DataSets KB, but it could be helpful to have an alert or disclaimer letting the user know that this is the case.…
Data Watchdog - Adding example queries
Hi team, I hope you're doing well! We've received feedback that providing example queries would be helpful in Domo features that accept custom queries. In this case, the client entered a custom query into Data Watchdog, but was returning an error. The issue ended up being a syntax error, but confusion could possibly have…