Cant sort on a specific column suing rank and custom function
when I create a calculated field using this formula and this is created as Ranking CASE WHEN RANK() OVER (PARTITION BY SUB_CATEGORY_TXT ORDER BY SUM(SALES_LC_AMT) DESC) >=6 THEN 1000 ELSE RANK() OVER (PARTITION BY SUB_CATEGORY_TXT ORDER BY SUM(SALES_LC_AMT) DESC) END now when I drag and drop Ranking to filtering, it says…
Difference of % of column total
I have two column where I use % of column total to calculate the Share of Markets now I wish to get the difference of the percentages for example 31.91% - 31.10% will give me 0.81% difference. I just cant simply do that, any Idea how to implement this?
I have two files as .xlsb in my shared google drive folder,
I wish to upload specific sheets of these two .xlsb files in DOMO, how to proceed?