How to view the SQL query on the jobname
There are a few Jobs on the workbench that uses the sql queries to filter out some columns. I was able to identify the job name but where can i find that window for SQL? Thanks
Filter on Job name in the workbench5
I have about 500 job in the workbench. Is there a way to activate the filter on he job name column so that I do not have to browse through every row? Thanks
Wrong grand total
I have two columns 1) Actual Variance and 2) Absolute Variance. Actual Absolute 2 2 -2 2 4 4 -3 3 Total 1 11I am getting the correct count 1 for the actual variance but for the absolute variance I am getting the same value as actual with the positive sign.I am using abs function to wrap the actual calculation for the…
CSV SFTP Advance Pull Connector public key
While I was setting you this connect I was given a public key. Am I supposed to save that in the SFTP client server? Thanks
Reset password
As an admin I have to reset one the user's password. I did not see the reset password button where are I found a password change button. Should I use this button only to reset user's password?
UI for Dataset ID
Is there any place where I can get the dataset ID information other than the url of the dataset?
Export Domo Data to Network Folder
I am looking for a solution to export a table automatically from Domo to a network folder. Is it possible? If so, how to set it up? Thanks
Which connector to use for Oracle
How can I setup a path for Oracle to access data from DOMO? There is a table in Domo which I would like to share in Oracle. Thanks
Can a Workbench be used to export data
Can I use the workbench to export Domo data to Oracle?
Dataset from Email upload
I have a dataset which is uploaded everyday via email upload. Where can I find the path of this dataset in Domo so that I can import it to Oracle? Thanks
Sharing A Dashboard
Is it possible to share someone's dashboard to myself as an Admin?
How to change the profile Picture
Right now I have blue generic profile icon. I wanted to upload my pic but I could not figure out how.
Large Excel Dataset
I am trying to import 450 MB spreadsheet into Domo. But when it finishes importing there will be 0 Rows and 0 Columns. Is there any limitation on the file size ?
CLI connection method
I am new to Domo, so I am wondering how beneficial is the CLI method in use-case scenarios