Any way to pull in basic Quickbooks records? (Customers, Vendors, etc.)
I can't find a way, using either of the included Quickbooks Online connectors, to pull basic lists of records from Quickbooks -- e.g., my Customer list, my Vendor list, Sales Receipts, etc. All I see are reports, which are nice but don't necessarily include all the data I would need. For example, a G/L report doesn't…
generic OAuth redirection URL
Hi, I'm trying to pull data into Domo from another vendor's API using the "JSON Advanced with custom parsing for OAuth" connector (found in your Domo instance at /connectors/com.domo.connector.json.customparsing.oauth). I'm not able to get past the step of configuring the DataSet credentials, because I don't know what…
Reusable dataflows / ETLs
We're trying to come up with a good strategy for dealing with large datasets that contain mostly historical data but need to undergo complex transformations in a dataflow or ETL. For example, our user activity log (currently about 7M rows) needs to be joined to several other tables and then we need to segment the activity…
Magic ETL trigger timing - input datasets of varied size
I think I just discovered that if a magic ETL is configured to run "only when datasets are updated", and has multiple input datasets, it will start running as soon as the smallest/quicket input dataset has been updated. If a larger/slower input dataset finishes updating before the ETL finishes running, the ETL will not run…
DataSet query: unauthorized?
I'm trying to use the 'query' endpoint of the DataSet API but I'm getting an Unauthorized response. Not sure if I'm formulating the query incorrectly or if I need to adjust permissions within Domo. (So far this problem has been specific to querying -- I can programatically list, retrieve, and export datasets just fine. All…