Ability to sort Filter Views
Filter views are a very powerful way to quickly filter data down to what you want to view on a page without having to set the filter each time. Problem: These views are currently stuck being in the order in which they were created. If they are needed in a specific order, they have to be remade to be in the desired order.…
Ability to remove self from content
As a user, I may be shared to various pages that are no longer relevant to me. While there is an option to hide these pages, this can make page management still cumbersome when I am shared to 100s of pages. For instance, I am shared to over 400 pages, and that makes it difficult to navigate what pages I want to find. Being…
Percent change in summary number
I have a case in which the customer is trying to get the percent change from month to month and this is the updated calculation that I created that works intermittently: (SUM(CASE WHEN MONTH(`Date`) = MONTH(DATE_SUB(CURDATE(), INTERVAL 1 MONTH)) THEN (`Cost`) END) - SUM(CASE WHEN MONTH(`Date`) = MONTH(DATE_SUB(CURDATE(),…