How to resolve CORS error while using Product API's?
{ "method": "POST", "url": "https://my-instance.domo.com/api/ai/v1/text/generation", "headers": { "X-DOMO-Developer-Token": "generated from Admin>Auth..>access token", "Content-Type": "application/json" }, "body": { "input": "why is sky blue?" } } Above is the request I sent but getting CORS error like below Access to…
Is there a list of API or endpoints to use in code engine?
I recently got a requirement to get the images of a card, someone from DOMO gave a function to get the card images as pdf, if there is any list of endpoints or API's listed in any documentation it will be helpful to create our own code Engine functions. please let me know if there are any documentations available for this.
How to list Domo AI Models and its meta data
Below is the sample output I'm getting from Domo API using AI service layer API 1.How to list the DOMO AI models if i want to choose different AI 2.how to pass/use the sessionId to stay on the same chat { "prompt": "hi", "choices": [ { "output": "Hello! How can I assist you today?" } ], "modelId":…