utkarsh Member


  • Unfortunately due to the confidentiality of the data I cannot share a screenshot. But consider this example: I have a column with list of names called 'Name'. I am using this field in quick filter but the quick filter doesn't show all values in the list even when I select 'All' in the filters pane. Is it because the data…
  • Hi @MichelleH thanks for your response. The logic is tough to explain here, but for now if we just assume the first three values exist in the data using the following calc, can we build the next part of logic where we can reference the values from the same column? CASE when `Date` = '1/1/2022' then '208' when `Date` =…
  • @mhouston happy to report that I was infact able to find the root cause of the problem. The excel input is input 2 in my case and the other ETL is input 1. I removed an additional text field that was creating duplicates and inflating the numbers. Sorry, I should have mentioned about this in above comments. But the first…
  • That is correct, but when I do groupby dept and sum for column1 before and after join are different which shouldn't be the case ideally right? I am definitely missing something here. Really appreciate your help here @mhouston
  • @mhouston I do not have multiple rows per dept in input 2 but I have multiple rows per dept in input 1. Numerical column 1 and 2 are indirectly related. Basically Column2 is a ratio used to calculate a new value further in the ETL based on column 1 and column 2. Yes, I am doing input 1 left join input 2 on department.…
  • Hi @mhouston/@MarkSnodgrass and others on this thread. I am looking for a similar solution. I have columns as below Input 1: Dept, Date, Numerical Column1 Input 2: Dept, Numerical Column2 When creating a join I am getting a cartesian product. How can I avoid this? I want to do a left join as it has more records and have…