user02986 Member


  • It had to do with the ODBC driver we have. The join had to be written this way: FROM { IJ SA_INVOICE_HEADER LEFT JOIN SA_INVOICE_LINE ON SA_INVOICE_HEADER.invoice_num = SA_INVOICE_LINE.invoice_num} The query works now but unfortunately, it takes forever to run. It is a really old driver, but the newer version won't work…
  • I keep getting the following error. The query runs just fine in Access, so I am not sure what the problem is. ERROR [37000] [ProvideX][ODBC Driver]Unexpected extra token: LEFT Here is my query: SELECT SA_INVOICE_HEADER.invoice_date, SA_INVOICE_HEADER.doc_num, SA_INVOICE_HEADER.invoice_num, SA_INVOICE_HEADER.ship_via,…