Thanks! Appreciate the suggestion.
guitarhero23 , Thanks for the reply. Yes, I am referring to charts (not table cards where I can add _BATCH_LAST_RUN as a column). I understand you can’t display it as a summary number (just like you can’t display calculated fields, which would be a convenient way to do this). Thanks for confirming. Appreciate it. Maybe…
Great! Thanks.
Thanks. That worked!
So, what I found out was if I apply a date range filter (is between) to a datetime field, the card works just fine. It doesn't matter if all the data is included or not, it works if the date range filter is applied. If I remove/delete the filter, it fails to load. I also tried other filters like on string fields, numerics,…
Oh well, only one formula with a division operation and I don't think this should cause DBZ issue: CASE WHEN `Invoice Charges` > 0 THEN (`Gross Margin`) / `Invoice Charges` ELSE 0.00 END
Thanks for the info. That's what I was afraid of and will need to analyze the data to see what's probably causing the 'divide by zero'.
Thanks for the info! Hope we see support for this soon.
Gordon, the card is Daily Margin - Assets under instance I've shared the card to just now. That is the view from the browser. Do you need the one from the mobile app. as well?
Hoping this connection gets built ?