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  • In the Admin settings change their account to "Participant".
  • Hello Brian, I've come across a similar issue, regularly. I can insert a row, but not a column. I just move forth with a completely different data set.
  • I would run data sets throught he Magic ETL. Ideally you should group by the date and then you should be good-to-go.
  • What about a heat map? The 1st category can be the hours and the 2nd (if possible) could be the day of week, with the values as a "count" aggregation. A histogram would also be a decent option. I'm not sure what the timestamps represent, but if you're trying to determine which hour or minute segment provides the most…
  • Another alternative to the statement above is to use the ETL Magic Flow. I think the workbench would be a quicker solution still.
  • If possible, I would add fiscal weeks to your data set and then create a beast mode to group the weeks into quartiles. Though the week operator is no longer supported by DOMO I believe it still works. The fiscal weeks do not typically coincide with calendar weeks but a simple formula like below should work. WEEK(`DATE`) - 1
  • Is your trend line already a calculation? If so, I would suggest using a stacked bar + line chart and making the 1st value the trend formula. If you do not have a trend line readily available I would reach out ot DOMO Support. You can reorganize stacked depending on if your values are independent series. A group+stacked…
  • Hello, I would suggest creating a data table manually so that you can implement this formula into a column: CONCAT('<a href="', `link`, '" target="_blank">', `description`, '</a>') When the user selects a field they will transition to the necessary site. Let me know if you need more clarification.
  • Hello, I like to use the comparative guage in my dashboards. I show the overall weight as the summary number and the y-o-y percent differential is what is shown in the kpi. The comparative guage provides color options of green and red which is all I really need in my instances; down or up.
  • Hello, I haven't seen that accessibility through the automated feeds. If someone from DOMO confirms, I would suggest adding this to the ideas portion of the community. I'm sure plenty would have use for this access.
  • You should place this in the ideas category: Ideas Page
  • I would suggest using a waterfall chart since it incorporates summaries, losses and gains. I hope this helps. 
  • Are there any updates on this? I am really curious about the implementation. 
  • BrianL has stated a common occurence. Check the sheet name and be sure to refresh the preview.
  • Okay, I'm not really familiar with the Salesforce Data Connector so I'll looping @letsdothis from DOMO. A couple of other ideas though: Is your date range field selected at the bottom of the "Edit Card" page? If so, what does your date range show at the top, right above the summary number?
  • That is strange. For the different type of sales (New, Renewal, etc.), are they defined by a formula or is there a column something to the effect of `Sales Type`? If it's a formula, I'm wondering if there is a discrepancy in the time reference. 
  • Hello Steve, This may be a ridiculous question, but are you already experiencing issues? The month values should display unless this box is checked under chart properties (category scale): Also, when you create cards are your months showing in chronological order? I want to see if it's accepting your "Date" field as an…
  • Hello, I don't believe the CA Certificate is required in either instance. Feel free to check out the following help center links: MySQL PostgreSQL
  • I think this was transferred here and then to ideas:
  • Do you have more than one date field? Also, do you think the content of your "Active" filter would have any effect whatsoever? Just trying to get a better picture.
  • Because you are referencing strings you have to add delimiters. So place the colors as such: 'RED' 'BLUE' 'GREEN'
  • Yes, that's the exact format that I use. I have no idea what is going on. I appreciate you checking in on this. @letsdothis do you have any ideas?
  • I'm pretty sure I'm setting it correctly. The 1st example I provided is set the exact same way as the two following. The points of the map are actually in the correct spot, per google maps. It's just it doesn't present with an underlying geo region. Here is my set-up: I know there are multiple formats that are accepted…
  • Try adjusting your chart properties to not use the time scale. EDIT CARD --> CHART PROPERTIES --> CATEGORY SCALE (X) --> "NEVER USE TIME SCALE" See screenshots below:
  • Set your beast mode formula like so: CONCAT('<a href="', `Link`, '" target="_blank">', `Title`, '</a>') Let me know if you have any questions.
  • Hello, After you select Edit Card (the Wrench) you'll see chart properties and from there you can adjust the data label settings: Select show to determine of you want to view the data label "on hover" or "always". In the text field, you'll determine what is presented by using the following options that display:
  • Have you tried adding a description? When you edit a KPI you have the following option: This will then show on your card as such: Dashboard Level: Hopefully this is a descent work around.
  • Do you mean changing the numeric figures or just applying a title. You can do so in Chart Properties if the latter is the case. I'm afraid you stucking the numeric figures when dealing with Histograms.
  • I'm not sure if Histogram would be the proper chart to use, esp since the Y-Axis will always relate to the frequency. I would suggest a simple bar chart and then adjusting the data lables (chart properties) to show percent of total. You can also use the aptly named "Percent of Total" chart. Let me know if this helps.
  • Nice! I'm glad I could be of some assistance


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