marcel_luthi Coach


  • A couple of questions: What is the answer you would expect to get when a Campaign has no start date? What should be the answer when a campaign has no end date? In your dataset, what is the level of granularity you have? If this is a campaign level dataset, then a formula to cover the out of bond scenarios (no start date,…
  • I guess I'm not fully following, so let's walk through this with an example. Let's suppose you have a table with the following 10 entries. Entry Id CreatedDate 1 11/5/2023 2 11/15/2023 3 11/18/2023 4 12/5/2023 5 12/11/2023 6 12/22/2023 7 1/1/2024 8 1/5/2024 9 1/6/2024 10 1/11/2024 If the user selects a time Range of Year…
  • This is just a guess, but it could be possible that some of your Lane values contains characters that are causing this to break, for which you should URL Encode it, just to be sure nothing is breaking it. Sadly, MySQL does not offer a URLENCODE function AFAIK, so you'll need to do with a bunch of replacements, these are…
  • Not sure if the End Date part was a Typo or not, and whether this 75 days is a fixed value or not. If the value is fixed you could do this at the ETL Level and have a Displaced Created Date which is calculated as DATE_SUB(Created Date, INTERVAL 75 DAY)and use this field in your card instead. If the displacement needs to be…
  • If you're determining what will be shown based on the user, an alternative might be to use one of the values in domo.env rather than a variable, and limit the shown columns based on this. You could extend this if you also have a dataset from the Domo Governance Datasets. Just mentioning this as a possible alternative so…
  • Making this available as part of the date filters would certainly come in handy. In the meantime, you could work something out by joining and leveraging the Domo Calendar dataset and some ETL. Clearly this might be slightly tricky since your business might have different holidays, especially if you work across borders or…
  • You can delete them no problem, this will just cause the Output Dataset of this ETL not the be updated anymore, so you might want to be sure nothing you still use is connected to it, including: Data Linage: If this is powering other ETLs or Views, make sure you switch it to the new output from your modified version. Cards:…
  • You'll use a FILTER tile applying that to the date field you want to filter out. Another option is to use a FORMULA tile to create a column that will flag if the date field is yesterday or not CASE WHEN column = TODAY() - 1 THEN 'Yesterday' ELSE 'Not Yesterday' END(or something along that line) and filter at the…
  • I might be overlooking a couple of things, but what you need your variable to do is to find the entry in your table where the value falls between the employeeStatusStartDate and employeeStatusStartDate , so you don't need aggregations, as with single value cards that will affect the whole dataset as you're not breaking it…
  • The problem here is that when you use DATE_FORMAT the output is no longer a date but a STRING, and the sorting of it is not the same as the sorting you're displaying in your table. You'll need to play with your ORDER BY clause to make sure that 01/01 comes after 12/31 (I'd usually use a year indicator like 01 and 02),…
  • @Dverdon As @MichelleH says, pivot tables won't allow you to calculate in between columns and a Mega Table with a Beast Mode might be your best bet, as you won't need to do much to transform your data prior, although you'll lose the drill down capabilities you have in a Pivot Table (in case that matters to your case).…
  • Based on your description, this sounds like a fairly good example of when you could use a Pivot Table. The tricky part is to have a well defined way of identifying a cost as either Manufacture or Acquisition (A and B), then you can show totals for the Pivot table, which would be your column C. In this way, all your Beast…
  • @ChrisGaffan without knowing how the sources look like, I'm making a guess on what might work for you. In your ETL before the JOIN tile, use a GROUP BY tile, using Commodity, Week # (adjust to use all the columns you're using on your Join key) and use a formula of SUM on the Weight this will make it so now you have a 1 to…
  • @Victoria_G1, just making sure we're following correctly. You already have a formula that tells you the number of blanks across multiple columns, and is working properly, the problem comes when you want to filter things out, that the count changes, is this right? The question I have is whether you expect the filter to…
  • Correct, is just a matter of priority and knowing what should take precedence (in this case as they are mutually exclusive is not that important, but is always good practice to think of it this way, so you can create WHEN statements in the right order to achieve the desired outcome). Agree with @GrantSmith, having a couple…
  • Agree, things like date grain ,date range start and date range end should be available to be used in BeastModes just like variables, as often you'd need to adjust calculations based on these values.
  • There's only so much you can do with smart text, and even if you are to use the date of last refresh for the Dataset, that might not be the date/time of the latest entry. For things like this I'd do the formatting in a Textbox card, and work either from the _BATCH_LAST_RUN_ or the column that actually contains your data.…
  • For ETL yes, but you need to ensure you group at the level of granularity that your users will be able to play with (so that totals are properly adjusted when filters are applied to the card, otherwise you'll have a fixed value that won't update as filters are applied). The beast mode route, if the card is meant to be…
  • What about step (1) where you need to define the formula to use? Do you need to grab the Latest Date from the whole dataset or partitioned by something (like the last time for each Id, category, etc). Based on your description you don't need a Rank and Window tile, but a Group By Tile instead, your ETL might end up looking…
  • @carthur all seems good with the setting of the rule, unless there are typos or additional characters that make the values in the LOCID column be different than the ones actually stored on each user in the GROUP attribute 🤔 but lets hope @Ashleigh suggestion solves it for you so you don't have to go too deep into this (QQ…
  • The last part is kind of expected, as Admin users will always have access to all data, this is implied in the option step 6 of the guide. What does your PDP rules look like (sharing a screenshot might help)? I guess you created these in the original dataset and it's then cascading to the ETLs you've created, so it should…
  • It depends on what you try to achieve. By default any dataset is private until you share it, but sharing a card or dashboard where it's being used will allow users to see it. If the whole idea is to keep the data inside the dataset private, you can do so with PDP rules, something like only allowing visibility of the data…
  • There are not many options to customize what is shown in the Data Table, your best bet would be to use two separate cards, one for the line and bar and another for the table that displays the data, and even then, having the arrows would require you to set your data for month over month comparison and most likely use a best…
  • You are mixing Dates and Strings and Domo is determining the type based on the majority of entries. If you are not operating on these dates in any other way, you can wrap your formula in a CAST (<FORMULA> AS STRING) to make sure Domo understand that this is text and will allow you to select options individually, of course…
  • Can you describe in plain words what you expect the above formula to do? At a Row level the MAX(Col) of something is always going to be the same value as Col making your denominator to always be 0, causing an error and therefore displaying no data. To fix this you'll need to have some sort of aggregation function around…
  • You can simulate the behavior by having a text field be shown rather than a numeric value. Lets say you that percentage comes from doing Col1/Col2 just as an example. Then you'll have a beast mode that Looks something like: CONCAT(CASE WHEN SUM(`Col1`)/SUM(`Col2`) > 0 THEN '🔴' ELSE '🟢' END,…
  • I guess it all depends on whether you consider the value of an opp being spread evenly between the campaigns or not. What would do, is in ETL create a calculated field to spread the Opp amount, so that distribution will not be affected by any filters at the view level. I'd add a Group By tile, to perform a Count of…
  • This means most likely that you don't really want your beast mode to calculate over the raw totals of your dataset (which is doing now), but rather to SUM the cases in which this happens, for that you'll need to turn this into a WINDOW function, so it'll work the same way it does when you have Series, but without the…
  • Changing the format for a single row can be tricky, and doing so might have end up behaving unexpectedly for Totals and Subtotals. You could in theory do this by having a beast mode which you'll use as your value that does the text formatting, something like: CASE WHEN `Line Item` = 'WARRANTY COST' THEN…
  • This can be extremely simple or complex depending on whether your cards need to be able to be responsive to filters or not, like breaking this by region, industry, customer, etc. Here's a summary of an ETL solution that could work (not the only one): a) Create a list of the quarters you want to make available (leverage the…