khushboo_ Domo Product Manager


  • @dan_s This feature is getting released shortly in our upcoming September customer release! Stay tuned!
  • @ArborRose I understand this request was geared towards tables in general and the team will review these requests for future table enhancements! Wanted to highlight some existing table design options available in App studio for exploration along those lines, if helpful for some use cases within that context. 
  • @ArborRose within App studio, you now have advanced Table appearance options under theme styles. These give you various border options along with thickness settings, spacing, padding, row level advanced settings and more! You can access this by going to Themes > Edit Styles > Table Styles > Edit
  • Additional note: The current planned release would include Option 2 only.
  • @user050498 This is still something that is being worked on. We don't have an ETA for the release at the moment, unfortunately. But we hope to get this enhancement out soon in the upcoming months. Currently, as a workaround you can use multi select feature to select contents on a page and add it to another page in the app!
  • We have this available at an instance level right now. Under Admin> Company settings > Default landing page, you can select Apps home or a specific app studio app for all the users to be set as a landing page. User specific app landing pages are a planned future enhancement.
  • @Anna_Otake we are working on getting development work started to support import of app pages(copying app pages) in the next 4 weeks!
  • @JasonAltenburg Update on this project: We are currently working on developing the feature for users to copy a theme from one app to another and also the ability to download the theme in JSON format and upload it to any other app!
  • Thanks for the feedback! @Justinp @RobynLinden. We will make a note of this request. But yes, currently adding spacers would help size content inside tabs where you have different heights for content pieces in different tabs!
  • If you click on the page layout in an app, page settings will pop up in the right panel where you will see 'Filter Options'. You will be able to access these options after clicking on that option!
  • Custom themes are currently saved to an individual app. To create custom theme, a user needs to select save as theme then it will store it to custom themes panel. We are working to add the capability to copy a theme from one app to another in the upcoming months that would let you use custom themes across different apps.…
  • @chapman Thank you for expanding on that. Yes, we do plan on adding some of those existing options as enhancements to App Studio embed as well. We currently do not have an ETA on the same, but they are on our future roadmap.
  • @chapman Export for individual cards currently exists like Dashboards in App Studio as well. You can click on expand/presentation mode icon and then click on the three dot menu for Card options and then choose the export option in the format of your choice. Alternatively, you can also go into card details via the right…
  • This is something we have implemented with App Studio!